March and Annual General Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on the 19th of March 2025 at 7.15pm at Howsham Village Hall. there will be reports from the main Parish bodies such as the Parish Council, North Lincolnshire Council, the Parochial Church Council and the Village Hall Committee as well as an open forum portion of the evening for you to air your views and ideas on how to make the Parish a better place to live.
The full Council meeting will follow the Annual Town Meeting at 7.45pm.
You can find agendas for the meetings here. They become available three working days before the meeting.
There is currently one vacancy on the council. This is going through the elections process which you can contact Democratic Services at North Lincolnshire Council about for more information.
Neighbourhood Action Team
Cllr Leahy is our representative on the Neighbourhood Action Team who have been working on trying to reduce Fly Tipping and other forms of antisocial behaviour. You can report Fly Tipping though the North Lincs Council website here:
If you would like to be a councillor, there is one seat left, or wish to participate in anyway, please contact the Clerk on
You can also call Humberside Police on 101 to report other Anti Social Behaviours that are affecting the parish. The more people who report issues, the better chance lead authorities have of reacting to those issues.
On a similar note, stray or abandoned dogs have been reported in the parish. You can get advice about such incidents and report them here: